Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A little bit o' funny helps the medicine go down

I'll be back with more later...have a couple of things on my mind, but the Daily Sixer has Jimmy Kimmel's latest Unnecessary Censorship #25 up. It's not their best work, but it gave me a couple of chuckles.

Another thing that has given me a few laughs lately is the Dane Cook controversy. If you haven't checked a mainstream blog in the past couple days, the author of redban posted a mp3 comparing Louis CK's material from 2001 to some of Cook's material from 2003. Check the mp3 here. Personally, I am no fan of Cook's, but them I'm outside his target demographic. Everyone under the age of 25 seems to love the guy, but I just don't get his schpiel. He's no Eddie Murphy and Eddie Murphy was no Richard Pryor. Of course, Richard Pryor was no Red Foxx, so on and so forth, but at least these guys were ORIGINAL. I know people are prone to conformity, but do we have to hear all this hype about a guy who is almost surely stealing his material from a comedian few people could name? Louis CK is a legend inside the stand-up comedy world, according to the various websites and blogs talking about this particular controversy, but he is nowhere near the level of Dane Cook on the name recognition scale. I haven't heard any of Cook's new stuff, but he was making his name in 2003 and 2004, wasn't he? Surely someone should have caught on to what's going on before now. Hopefully this bit of news will make its way around the web and Cook will come under closer scrutiny. Watching him squirm out from under a mountain of evidence, should there be one, would be amusing indeed.

Here's a classic Pryor as Mudbone bit, if you need a genuine smile. And here's one of Eddie Murphy from the Raw era, when he was still funny. Finally, check out George Carlin on suicide...a comedy gem. Warning: All of those clips are longer than a few minutes, but are all worth your time.

Have a laugh and stay away from Dane Cook...that's my prescription for intellectual and spiritual bliss. Your mileage may vary.

p.s. Let me know what you think about the background image. Is it too distracting/annoying behind the text and tables? Don't be shy, I really want to know!

Posted by Erik @ 7/26/2006 02:15:00 PM

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i'm usually very picky about readability, but i think the background image works.

Posted by Blogger slade @ Thursday, July 27, 2006 1:30:00 AM #

Hooray, it stays! :) I downloaded Eddie Murphy's "Raw" and "Delirious" last night...much funnier than anything Dane Cook has ever done. I miss Eddie. :(

Posted by Blogger Erik @ Thursday, July 27, 2006 8:50:00 AM #
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