Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Darth Vader and troubled times as an hermaphrodite

This literally had me laughing out loud. I love Darth Vader...the Star Wars/The Empire Strikes Back/Return of the Jedi Darth Vader. Anakin Skywalker as written and portrayed in the second trilogy couldn't have been more disappointing. As for the REAL Darth Vader, I would have thought even more highly of the character had he pulled something like this in the original flicks. Merciless, ruthless AND a jackass? What more could you ask for?

Clicky Me

While we're talking funny, I thought of something mildly amusing today. We had a conversation at the office involving a former coworker who had come down to talk with us about her father, who had recently been diagnosed with cancer. The Boss, Manboy and I all gathered around and offered our support. These sorts of things are awkward for me, I have to admit it, but The Boss and Manboy handled themselves perfectly. Hugs were exchanged, words of support were spoken and some tears were shed. At one point, I thought little MB was about to tear up! It was actually a very touching moment. I felt totally sympathetic, but wanted to say something to lighten the mood before everyone got too down. Once things had gotten to the point where conversation seemed appropriate, it went something like this...

Me: "You know, you could give Manboy a swift kick in the groin. That always makes me feel better when I'm down."
(Manboy assumes "the position", legs apart, bracing for the blow)
Everyone chuckles
Former Coworker: "I couldn't do that, he's a man, he might need those."
Me: "Don't worry, he's only half a man, so it's not a problem."
Manboy: "I'm also half a woman. My parents had to make a choice!" in a mocked sob.
Me: "It's a terrible thing...a genetic mishap. What a shame."
More chuckles, I pretend to be loading up for a kick
Me: "Only in our group can you come down looking for hugs and get hermaphrodites."

It might not seem funny to you, but it got everyone laughing at the time and genuinely appeared to help ease our troubled former teammate's burden a bit, if only for a moment. Sometimes that's all we need. Eventually we all parted ways and went back to the business at hand, but that is the sort of conversation that springs up when you get our little triumvirate gathered around. Hopefully I will be able to capture and amplify that sort of randomness in my comic strip. If I can, I am sure of one thing, I will be laughing and in the end, that's all that really matters.

Posted by Erik @ 8/09/2006 09:16:00 PM