Thursday, August 17, 2006

Sometimes reality is more grand and wondrous than fiction

The story of the Hoyts is an old one. It has done the rounds on the internet, news channels, etc, but every once in a while I cross paths with it and never fail to be reminded of what an utter joke my problems and struggles have been.

If you aren't familiar with the story, click the video below. If you already know the story, don't let that keep you from watching it again. We need to hear stories like this one to remind us how great and beautiful people can be, especially in these increasingly ugly times.

Every time I encounter the Hoyt story I feel small and almost ashamed. I workout and train in several martial arts on a near constant basis, but we are only talking about 10 hours a week, maximum. Most people would say I am in reasonably good shape, but I am nowhere near the level Dick Hoyt is physically, and cannot even imagine how strong his son Rick must be mentally. There are times that I feel trapped by my body and its physical limitations. My joints ache, my focus falters and my inspiration wanes with no burden beyond myself and my daily routine. It is almost enough to make me feel embarrassed for ever complaining at all. The realization of how much potential I have wasted in my lifetime almost stings to consider.

When I am exposed to stories like that of the Hoyts, I am left in awe. There is a sense of majesty that radiates from the relationship this father and son have had through their years of competing together. My father and I are nowhere near as close and very likely never will be, despite the fact that we have both been perfectly healthy for most of our collective life together (Dad was diagnosed with diabetes over 10 years ago). Understanding that this sort of companionship, loyalty, drive and devotion is what truly defines love, I feel admiration and a sad sort of envy for the bond this father and son team has shared. Such a thing is so rare and special in this vacuous place, it is truly something to behold.

For full details and the latest news on Team Hoyt, check out their homepage.

Posted by Erik @ 8/17/2006 11:10:00 PM