Sunday, September 24, 2006

Three weekends dry, nearly a month off the sauce

It's been nearly a month since I took a drink of anything more stout than a Yuengling and that was one of only three beers the entire day. I probably couldn't say something like that more than once or twice in the past 8.5 years. It's been nearly six months since I've had a date...sadly, that's more of an ordinary thing, but still noteworthy. All I do these days is work, workout, school, and laundry, with car washing and waxing interspersed in all of that at even intervals. Life is boring by just about anyone's standard and honestly, for the first time in months, I feel genuinely good!

My head is clearer, my eyes are a little less heavily shadowed by dark circles and my bank account is recovering from the car fiasco rather nicely. My grades are good, my next paper is about 50% written, and a plan is developing to build Scooby up to acceptable power levels, with an eye aimed at achieving lots of HP with a super-heavy dose of durability factored into the equation.

What I can't change in the world, I can change in myself, so that has become the focus. The time has come to take another turn in my life's path. It's been years since I took a signifcant step forward, but I can feel the light at the end of the tunnel in my bones. Trials and tribulations...they confront and challenge us so that we might learn essential things about ourselves. I've learned some things the hard way, but I have learned. It will be nice to wake up relatively early on Sunday without the sting of dehydration dragging me down.

Posted by Erik @ 9/24/2006 01:07:00 AM

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Congratulations on the non-drinking! Man, all you need is to grow out your hair, accumulate some cats, and start sewing throw pillows and you'll turn into me. I know, that's a scary thought. Rest easy, you're going to school so officially your life is way more exciting than mine.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ Tuesday, September 26, 2006 12:14:00 AM #

No cats or throw pillows, but a doberman or two and a few DVDs and I'm in. lol I'll have a drink here and there, but I think my "drink 'til drunk on the weekends" thing is finally over with.

Posted by Blogger Erik @ Wednesday, September 27, 2006 10:15:00 PM #
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