Tuesday, December 19, 2006

An update to the quick tidbit

Murdok won! Despite the best efforts of several other bands, Murdok won the popular and the judicial votes, the latter unanimously! Of course, we had the smallest contingent of fans there, so when the winners were finally announced, all remained of the 66 people who had originally showed were myself, Dan C's parents, Josh's parents, and the band. Unfortunately, two other bands each brought a tour bus full of people. One allegedly bought 300 tickets AND opened the bar during their set in an attempt to win the crowd.

In the end, it didn't really matter. Murdok took 290 of around 600 possible votes, and got the nod from all three of the judges. Of course, none of the bands going home without a chance to play on were very happy about the situation, but a couple of bands were particularly pissed off, to the point that band members and their fans began sending hatemail on Myspace. I even received some hate after leaving a comment about the hateful comments! LOL

A few of the bands came up and chatted for a while. They seemed to be genuinely cool folks and everyone was supportive. But, it's funny how some people are driven to separate into factions and take these sorts of things personally. It's not about the love of live music, or enjoying the variety of bands that showed for the competition, all of which played solid sets. What it's really all about for some people is segregating into cliques, yelling your favorite band's name louder than the next guy, and generally devaluing anyone who isn't playing the specific type of music you are most interested in hearing. The funny part is, I actually liked a couple of the bands who are acting like the biggest asses after the fact. Obviously, they have a narrow view of what constitutes good music, and they could probably stand to learn a thing or two about conducting themselves with a sense of class. Just more examples of the same old, boring bullshit from people with nothing better to do. I can't say I'm surprised, people being what they are. Let them complain...there will always be haters doing what they do best.

So Murdok moves onto Cleveland, the haters continue to hate, and life goes on. In the meantime, I'm trying to finish a shirt design in time for the show at the Hall of Fame and prepping for the next term of school. Good times...

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Posted by Erik @ 12/19/2006 02:38:00 PM