Sunday, January 28, 2007

Working the Way

Goddamn have I been busy. Between the usual work and working out, I'm now doubled down on drawing projects each week. Pile on the weekly reading/project requirements for my marketing class, and I'm barely treading water.

I think I've come to the conclusion that hope is life's ultimate paradoxical concept. It can sustain us, or it can whither our spirits. The longer you hold on to hope, despite overwhelming evidence that it would be better to just let go, the more tortured the circuitous inner dialog you maintain will become. Then you run into people or circumstances that exacerbate the push-pull of your thoughts and what was already a disenchanting line of thought metamorphoses into something altogether melancholy and exhausting. What am I talking about? None of your business. :)

Today I'm grooving to Teddybears, an electronic band of as yet unknown origins (I'm too lazy to look them up). Cadillac made a commercial for their new XLR featuring Teddybear's track "Punkrocker", which includes vocals by Iggy Pop. To say the song is catchy would be like saying Iggy Pop is looking a little thin these days. Check the commercial below and tell me you aren't headed directly to your nearest torrent site for a quick download.

Looking at this spot with my limited knowledge of marketing, I have to say that it is a brilliant piece of audio-visual advertising. The track suits the imagery perfectly..."See me driving down the street/I'm bored with looking good"...and associating Caddies with maturing punk rockers is a stroke of genius. I wouldn't drive the XLR, but I will admit to liking the CTS-V quite a bit. Would I pay $50k for said sedan? No, but then I will have spent nearly that on my Subaru, once parts, labor, repairs, etc are all factored in. Something else to think about...

Aside from work, school, and sleep, my life has more or less ground to a halt. Things at the office continue to decline, as morale is at an all-time low and sinking fast. More work, less money, and sweeping change are stressing the entire department. We're still one person short, still training the new girl, and could potentially be losing another analyst to a field job...which of course pays better than what we are able to offer. The situation is becoming rather pathetic. Out of necessity, The Chancellor and I are bearing most of the burden right now, as we push to get New Girl up to speed. Who knows when we'll fill the empty cubicle next to hers. Fun stuff! It seems like only yesterday I liked my job and enjoyed going to the office...the only constant is change, I suppose.

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Posted by Erik @ 1/28/2007 11:11:00 AM