Thursday, February 01, 2007
Giving it time
So I've enrolled in the Big Brothers, Big Sisters program. The reasons behind that are varied, but most of them come down to wanting to put as much good into this world as I can before my lights go out forever. With no kids of my own and my chances of going there becoming more remote every year, it seemed like the next best way to give back some of what this life has taught me. So much of what's wrong in this mess comes back to a lack of role models, mentors, and a willing ear. I feel like my life will have been a failure, if I were to sit back and watch the fabric continue unraveling without having tried to contribute something worthwhile.
My life has been a relatively easy one. I grew up in a stable household amidst middle class neighbors. Things weren't perfect and we were far from sheltered, but I did my best to do what I believed to be the right thing. That's not to say I was always successful, but I tried. So a little good karma to balance the few blemishes I put on my karmic tapestry can't be a bad thing. More than anything else, I feel compelled to volunteer some of my time doing something productive. Honestly, I couldn't give a simple explanation as to why I decided to join the BBBS organization, aside from a desire to do something positive. I've had people suggest that I would be a good fit, Flash always speaks reverently of her experience as a Big Sister, and I've had a desire to do more volunteering, so all signs seemed to be pointing toward mentoring and BBBS seemed the most logical choice.
Fitting this all into my schedule is going to be a challenge, but I think I'm up to it. BBBS asks that you commit for a year, so I had better find a away! Hopefully the experience is a positive one for all concerned. We shall soon see...
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I admire you so much, you are such a good person.
Thanks, but I'm not sure anything I've done is worthy of admiration. Honestly, I do this because I feel like we have to start the fight against shitty people somewhere, and if not with the kids, then whom? That said, I'm no Mother Theresa or Gandhi. :) And you're volunteering too, so really I'm just doing what I SHOULD be doing, what we should ALL be doing, right?
you'll be great at this. i always thought so. bbbs strikes me as perhaps the most worthwhile charitable organization out there. i'd like to get involved myself... eventually. good luck!
I hope you're right! I'm actually a little nervous, because time has been so short and I don't want to let the little down. Got a meet-n-greet with a potential little's family next week. We'll see how that goes.