Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Post-twins, Uncle Erik reflects

Scott and Laura were in town for over a week, but I was only able to spend a small part of three different days with them. My schedule is so full, it's hard to find the time, particularly with one term wrapping up and another beginning. Wish it could have been more, but it just wasn't meant to be. Guess I'll have to make a trip to Kentucky. :)

That said, I have to admit that seeing those two little babies and holding them while they slept was a very powerful experience. It's difficult to explain how amazing it is to me that these children are in fact my little brother's and that they are going to grow up as we grow old. This isn't the first time I've been around babies, The Chancellor has two little girls I've known since birth, but this is the first time I have ever been a real uncle. Spending hours around the twins, I came to really understand what it means to be connected to family.

At only 3 months old, they are both totally helpless and dependent, but at the same time, they are already developing individual personalities. Seeing and holding such harmless innocence in my own arms was a powerful experience, since for the first time they were related to me by blood. In that instant, looking into their smiling faces, watching them doze off in my arms, there was no arguing against the presence of good in this world. Babies truly are amazing to behold. The world is new and strange to them, and by being in their presence, a part of us is reminded that there was a time when history, circumstance, and predisposition did not distort our perceptions. At one point in our lives, our vision is pure and we are truly unburdened.

It was a great seeing Scott, his lovely bride, and the rest of the fam, but the highlight was obviously seeing the twins. In a lot of ways, seeing them and being amidst all the activity surrounding their baptism was exactly what I needed right now. There's good out there after all...sometimes we all need to be reminded.

Update: Added a couple of pics proving that I am capable of holding babies without breaking them. The motherly instinct is strong in me! Goddamn I'm skinny and pale...I look like the ghost of Frankenstein in these pics. It's kind of surprising that the babies weren't howling in terror! lol


Posted by Erik @ 3/28/2007 10:51:00 PM

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that's wonderful. i'm happy for you and all your family.

Posted by Blogger slade @ Thursday, March 29, 2007 2:59:00 PM #

They are beautiful babies!! Glad you got to finally meet them and see your brother and sis-in-law. Speaking of, I had a dream that I had to go back to work at 236. Someone handed me the green vest and that ugly peach bowtie and I wanted to die. :)

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ Friday, March 30, 2007 1:50:00 AM #

It was an awesome experience, no doubt about it. :)

Going back to 236 seems like an attractive option lately, but I didn't ever have to wear the bowtie or vest. lol

Posted by Blogger Erik @ Friday, March 30, 2007 8:07:00 AM #

Glad you enjoyed being with them. Don't be a stranger, make yourself take the time and fly up for a weekend. If you fly Southwest and have enough notice you can get the ticket for $79 each way. We've got plenty of room and the girls would love to get to know their Uncle more.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ Saturday, March 31, 2007 12:28:00 PM #

I will find a way! :)

Posted by Blogger Erik @ Saturday, March 31, 2007 3:54:00 PM #
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