Monday, March 19, 2007
Uncle Erik meets the twins
I finally had a chance to meet the twins on Sunday and they are easily the cutest babies I've ever seen in my life! lol Evelyn spent a large part of the time sleeping, while Ava refused to sleep at all. Ava was swimming in place almost the entire time, rarely stopping to doze or cry. When Evelyn was awake, she would make these faces that are irresistibly cute. She smiles a lot and coos once in a while. Ava didn't smile as much, but she coos constantly and was more active. They'd both had their first innoculations earlier in the week, so that probably explains Evelyn's sleepiness.
The funniest part is their shared fascination with the ceiling. Something about the lights and darks of the SIL's parent's house mystified both of them, as they would stare and stare. It was just amazing to me that they were actually my brother's daughters and thereby, my nieces. Sitting there, holding each of them, I couldn't help to think about what's to come for both of them. They'll be walking within a year, talking a year or so later. Then they'll move up to pre-school, kindergarten, middle school, high school, college(!!)'s surreal! But it's also totally awesome. :)
And the best part is, they'll have each other. The bond between twins is one of those things that only twins can ever truly know. It will be a trip to see how they grow and learn together. Little Brother and the SIL are already fully functional parents, right down to baby feeding-sleeping-cleaning routines and bottle cleaning duties. Here I am, renting a room from the 'rents, talking about buying a motorcycle and going to school. Little Brother is really Big Brother...I'm only chronologically older. lol
Labels: the twins
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you're just meeting them for the first time now?! where were you when they were born, lol? do your brother and laura live in another state (i know he's military)? anyway, that is awesome. i got the chance to meet my nephew (actually my cousin's son, not my brother's, but for simplicity's sake i stick with "nephew" rather than delving into how many times "removed" we actually are!) for the first time while i was living in washington, on his first birthday in october. at the time he could hardly stand on his own. by the time i left d.c. he was waddling all around, and now he's even begun to speak! amazing, isn't it? i'm glad you're enjoying the experience.
Scott's stationed at Fort Knox, Kentucky. And there was no way I wanted to be there for the birth! lol I've watched both of my friend's (The Chancellor) little girls go from helpless newborns to functioning children, complete with homework and bad behavior. It is an amazing thing.