Sunday, July 01, 2007

Guilt by association

This guy rides a Harley-Davidson. In many ways, he embodies the stereotypes so many people foster about Harley riders. Every time I watch this, I am conflicted between embarrassment and amusement. It takes all kinds, I suppose.

Warning, this video is probably going to kill precious brain cells and waste precious minutes. If you have something better to do, say making a sandwich, or evacuated your bowels, I would recommend putting this aside.

In an attempt to save this post, I will add a couple of quick clips featuring a stupid fast Harley-Davidson. Keep in mind, this is a naturally aspirated, air cooled , V-twin moving over 800lb of metal and rider. It won't do 200mph, but it definitely gets to 60 in a hurry. :)


Posted by Erik @ 7/01/2007 01:18:00 AM