Thursday, November 29, 2007
A pep talk for the mirror
Life, time, circumstance, and our fellow humans take so much away from us, why then do we willingly surrender so much more? Why aren't we fighting tooth and nail for the dreams and visions that fill our lives with possibility? We settle, learn to accept, live in denial, all in an effort to make stifling ourselves and our dreams somehow acceptable. It is in no way acceptable. By convincing ourselves that average is OK, that enough really is enough, we cripple our potential and resign ourselves to living life with a perpetual limp.
We dream of who we could be, but find a way to accept less than who we are. We dream something impossible, accept it as such, and without so much as trying, dismiss the idea. What we fail to see is that the pursuit is the thing. The journey - really living is embracing the journey! The physical, emotional, cerebral, and spiritual miles are brush strokes that shape us. These are the things that add layers of richness to our lives. The smiles, the struggles, the crushing defeats, and magnificent victories all conspire to create a deeper, more textured personality. Without these things we are hollow, two-dimensional cutouts only good for consumption and reproduction.
Nothing ventured nothing gained is about more than taking risks in hopes of attaining rewards, it is about the multi-layered evolution we undergo as we pass through the experiences which constantly tint, shade, and color our lives. We are the sum whole of an infinite number of physical, emotional, and spiritual parts. Every day, every breath, forces outside and within us are working to cease that summary progression. Every force in life works to restrain and confine us, from gravity to social precepts of normalcy, we are lashed by countless leashes, all feeding on our fears and insecurities.
The world is little more than a container seeking to restrain and encapsulate our dreams. Why would we ever betray ourselves by helping reinforce that confinement? Have no illusions, that is exactly what we do every time we succumb to the negative conceptualizations of our cognitive perception. When we give in to fear, when we allow our questions to tighten life's noose of limitations around our necks, we are lost.
We are lost, but in becoming lost, we open another avenue for discovery. Whether we are discovering new aspects of our internal world, or the world outside our skin, we are never so ready for exploration as when we are lost. Off the beaten path, out where the wild things play, there are new understandings and unknown possibilities to be had. If we forever constrain ourselves to the road most traveled, we only give ourselves the chance to go where everyone else has been. As far as I am concerned, that is truly being Lost.
I am lost, but not Lost. I am seeking and very slowly, almost imperceptibly, I am finding. The journey is the thing, and I am doing my best to keep journeying.
I want to run
I want to hide
I want to tear down the walls
That hold me inside
I want to reach out
And touch the flame
Where the streets have no name
I want to feel sunlight on my face
I see the dust cloud disappear
Without a trace
I want to take shelter from the poison rain
Where the streets have no name
U2 - Where the streets have no name
Now playing: U2 - Where The Streets Have No Name
via FoxyTunes
Labels: nonsensical rambling
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