Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Fucking A-??

An "A-"…what the fuck is an "A-"? My GPA just went from 4.0 to 3.97 and let me tell you, I couldn't be happier about it. In a year's time I will be competing to attend some of the best art schools in the country and instead of a 4.0, I will have to go to them with a 3.97. Fucking wonderful. When the hell did they start giving A- as a grade in fucking college? I remember getting them in elementary school, but college? I would have rather gotten a B, as that would have made retaking the class less painful, but having to try again over an A- makes my fucking guts roll. Fucking wonderful...


Posted by Erik @ 12/18/2007 02:51:00 PM

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It happened to me too. The one A- brought my 4.0 grad school gpa down to a 3.97. I'm sorry. :(

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ Wednesday, December 19, 2007 12:42:00 AM #

We may as well be in grade school. Was there anything you could do about the A-? I seem to remember reading that we are not permitted to retake a class if our grade was a C or better. A year and an half of work down the shitter, flushed by an art class no less. I think it would have hurt less were it a management course, as I want nothing less than to be a manager of anything these days, but an art class…fucking hell.

Posted by Blogger Erik @ Wednesday, December 19, 2007 8:05:00 AM #

I'm not really sure if I was permitted to take it over or not. I chose not to. Having less than a 4.0 may not be as bad as you think. Admissions is going to be looking at a lot of different factors, and probably put most weight on your portfolio. Your gpa is still extremely high.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ Wednesday, December 19, 2007 8:41:00 AM #

Nobody is perfect. Seriously, how bad could a 3.97 look?

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ Wednesday, December 19, 2007 8:42:00 AM #

I understand the importance of your GPA for applying to other schools, and that you are disappointed... but things could always be worse. It's still a very good grade and I would hardly say that the last year and a half is down the shitter... You've been working very hard and getting a great education in the process, everything will work out.

That's my positive Christmas spirit speaking =)

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ Wednesday, December 19, 2007 10:05:00 AM #

I appreciate the encouragement, but the problem is that, at these schools, particularly Chicago, everyone applying in will have a 4.0 and an amazing portfolio. Many them will probably also have taken their GREs, which are optional. So now, I am without a 4.0, it remains to be seen what will come of my portfolio, and I will probably have to take my GREs, which I was hoping to avoid by having a solid GPA and a strong portfolio.

I put in an email with my academic advisor asking about taking the class over again, but probably won't hear back this week. It's a painting class, so taking it over again only means that I could get more practice, which is anything but a bad thing. Here I was dreading the one business class I have left on my minor, and all the while it was an art class that derailed me.

Sorry Laura, I'm a little short on Christmas cheer right now. You should see this post I have written up, but I'm still not sure there's any point to post. Not cheery, at all. :)

Posted by Blogger Erik @ Wednesday, December 19, 2007 11:22:00 AM #

Come on Erik, things can't be that bad...

You’re alive and healthy (something not everyone can say), you have a family that loves you, your friends, your getting a great education, luckily your brother isn't in Iraq (while so many others still are), you have two beautiful nieces that adore you (well one does anyway - lol), you have a nice car that you seem to enjoy, a motorcycle that you love (an extra toy most people can't afford), a roof over your head and food on your plate (certainly something too many people go without).

Yes, you hoped for a 4.0, you're unhappy with your job and you're not where you'd like to be in the relationship department... but all in all you lead a good life and things could be much worse. I find myself in a pissy mood from time-to-time too, but this is the time of year when I remember how lucky I am. That doesn't mean I'm satisfied, I'll always strive for more... I just know I'm grateful for what I do have going right in my life.

Give this a try...

Crank up the Christmas music, bake some cookies, decorate a tree, wrap a few presents, read "Twas The Night Before Christmas", and have a cup of hot cocoa... you'll be cheery in no time at all (lol)

Hope that helps you get into the spirit =)

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ Wednesday, December 19, 2007 2:12:00 PM #

Went for a little ride, did some thinking, and checked out some picks of the new Corvette ZR-1 (good gracious, sex on wheels!), so I'm feeling a little better. Still unhappy about the GPA hit. Still miserable with work, but at least I'm not miserable at home...yet. ;)

Posted by Blogger Erik @ Wednesday, December 19, 2007 10:29:00 PM #
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