Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I'm probably becoming an art asshole

What is an art asshole? I would define an art asshole as someone who sees, or claims to see, art in nearly everything, then feels the need to share what he sees with others, as if what he's seeing is somehow more important than what they see. For instance, I watched the below video on Boing Boing and thought to myself, "What a beautiful metaphor for the general state of modern Man's social conscience. The bottle works nicely as a visual representation of some significant social problem facing humanity today, say the AIDS epidemic in Africa, or the growing national debt. Some people ignore it, others kick it away (unconcerned that it will become someone else's problem), and a few play with it, even try to put it upright, but generally the problem persists and continues rolling around amongst them."

Then I thought to myself, "No asshole, it's a bottle rolling around an L train in New York, set to an admittedly beautiful song. Fucking world problems...get over yourself."

And so it goes. I may be losing my battle with my own pretense(in reality, I fear I probably lost it years ago). Hopefully the two or three people reading this will forgive me when I eventually collapse completely into myself and become a virtual black hole of artistic pretentiousness, sucking in information through my senses, then spouting overly intellectualized bullshit from my mouth and out my proverbial ass.

All that said, I really do think this is a nicely done short film. Seeing New York from the floor and windows of a subway car makes me dread the thought of living in a megalopolis. What good could a backward thinking, wannabe-guru from the suburbs be in a place where trash rolls around at peoples' feet? No one has 3 seconds to pick it up and throw it away? Fucking hell...

Now playing: Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah
via FoxyTunes


Posted by Erik @ 1/08/2008 10:57:00 PM