Tuesday, February 26, 2008
This has to be fake
...but if it were legit, this is exactly why I can't ever, EVER imagine myself getting married. People have been scandalous since the day we stood upright, but we live in a culture where destructive and even maliciously hurtful behaviors are integral pieces of pop culture entertainment. This cumdumpster admits to cheating on her husband, smirks, then suggests that she is a good person despite all she has done. The last thing I want on Earth is to be that poor bastard who gets suckered by a girl like this. Single for life=win!
Super fantastic update from FOXNews.com: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,332969,00.html
The wife of a New York City cop who admitted to cheating on him and wanting to be married to another man on Monday's episode of Fox's "The Moment of Truth" says she did it for fame and fortune.
But Lauren Cleri, 26, and her husband, NYPD Officer Frank Cleri, 24, came away from the show with no prize money, no immediate job offers for her and a possible divorce in the future after being eliminated when a polygraph detected a "fib."
"We're kind of up in the air right now — I want to [get back together], but I don't think he does," Lauren Cleri told the New York Post.
"It's not very easy to overcome," Frank Cleri, a cop with the 48th Precinct in The Bronx, told the Post.
Frank Cleri said he had been aware of his wife's cheating but was not prepared to go public with it for the money.
The pair said they had planned to share any money she won.
On the show, contestants are hooked up to polygraphs and can be eliminated if a lie is detected. Cleri's alarm went off after she answered "yes" when asked if she believed she is a good person.
According to the show's Web site, contestants "answer 21 increasingly personal questions honestly, as determined by a polygraph, and win up to $500,000."
Host: Lauren, what do we do here?
What Lauren should have said: Sterilize myself, then run blindfolded into interstate traffic!
What she did: I'm gonna keep on going for the money!
Again, if it's real, mom and dad must be INCREDIBLY proud. This has GOT TO BE FAKE! LOL
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It's fake. It's all staged 100%.
Even so, there is plenty of this going on in reality. I think you have to be brave, crazy, or both to get married these days! lol
Erik's prediction: This girls ends up in hardcore pornography and one day spoofs this appearance on national television! lol
I take it back. I'm sure it's real to an extent. Ihey picked her KNOWING there was more than just a secret to be told. If they didn't pick people with secrets like that, that show would get quite boring. She wanted the money and attention; Even if it came at the cost of the person she was supposed to love dearly. What a shame.
The girl tried to make a play for a few bucks and missed because of unadulterated stupidity. I lie, I cheat, I steal, but I'm still a good person. LOL That's awesome! I would love to crawl around inside the mind that makes those sorts of rationalizations, just for a day, to see what's going on in there. My bet is that the husband was in on it and probably fine with it, otherwise, where's the divorce? If he really cared, it would have ended with the cheating bit. Homeboy was in it for the fame and money, just like she was. Certainly an enocouraging show!