Thursday, February 07, 2008

Watch this video!

I am not an advocate of recreational drug use, but the use of hallucinogenics has a history stretching all the way back to prehistoric humanity. Our species has used, abused, and explored psychedelic chemicals since our earliest days. Some people ever theorize that Man's movement toward self-awareness may very well have been fueled by hallucinogen exposure. Certainly, aboriginal populations have a long history of using psychedelic chemicals in spiritual ceremonies. Like all chemicals, there are certainly dangers, and there is no possible scenario in which these chemicals could be fully legalized, because there are far too many people who would abuse them, which creates all sorts of dangers. That said, it certainly seems like there is room to move on the issue.

If a naturally occurring chemical could open up a pathway to deeper understanding and insight into existence, would you take it? I'm not afraid to admit that I would most certainly be tempted. I've gotten shit=faced on alcohol a time or three in my life, and the only insight it afforded me was a greater appreciation for how far my stomach could project its contents in a violent and unpredictable manner. Getting my head out of the way with a cup of tea sounds much more interesting at this age.


Posted by Erik @ 2/07/2008 10:07:00 PM