Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Fame is a whore's vagina
So people are throwing million dollar offers at Eliot Spitzer's favorite vagina-for-hire. Apparently, America's favorite scumbag Joe Francis, founder of Girls Gone Wild, was one of the people lining up to toss a million dollars this Dupre chick's way, but quickly found himself sitting in the cat bird's seat, when members of his staff discovered that they already had footage of the young prostitute, back when she was tricking for free. What luck! Apparently, she was featured in 7 tapes worth of footage while celebrating her 18th birthday over the span of a week on the GGW party bus. Allegedly, she was even kind enough to film a few lesbian encounters for Joe and his entourage. What a classy lady! Surely, THIS is the kind of person we want to give millions of dollars to in a failing economy! Radar Online has a teaser for the vid here.
All you have to do to make a million dollars in America is fornicate with politicians for money. People like to pretend that making money is difficult, but the only real obstacle is what one is or is not willing to do for green paper and the stuff it buys. The only real difficulty is living with yourself and the things you have done in the pursuit of money. I have to give this girl credit for one thing, at least she was smart enough to start charging, rather than continually giving it away like so many other girls do. What I don't understand is why anyone is willing to pay for anything involving girls like this. She's a whore, literally and figuratively a whore, but there are people willing to pay thousands to sleep with her. Some are willing to ante up a million dollars or more for the right to pictures of a naked prostitute. Joe Francis believes he can find an audience of degenerates willing to pay $29.99/month to see this whore make out with other whores, so he rescinded his original offer and has now made the videos of Dupre available to his website's subscribers. Am I the only one alarmed by the fact that all of this is happening under the watchful eye of mainstream America? Is this what America is about in the 21st century? Celebrity whores, celebrity drug habits, and degenerative social trends seem to be the defining characteristics of modern society.
Maybe I am just a kook or an alarmist, making mountains out of mole hills. Maybe there isn't any larger significance to a high-dollar call girl, nothing more than a glorified street walker really, making millions for lying on her back and letting famous men penetrate her orifices. In fact, it is probably highly probable that I am some sort of screwball, but that doesn't stop me from believing that an alarm should be raised when there is such a demand for this kind of "entertainment" that Joe Francis and Larry Flynt are willing to pay this girl a million dollars to take her clothes off. Physically, she really is not very remarkable at all, so who the hell would pay to see this girl naked? These businessmen would not be willing to shell out that sort of cash if they did not anticipate a massive return on their investment. The fact that there are enough people willing to pay for the so-called privilege of seeing this girl make out with some other drunk teenager, when plenty of free filth is just a mouse click away, tells me that I a) somehow manage to overestimate human intelligence, and b) am in the wrong line of work.
This girl's vajayjay has seen more traffic than I-4, but people are still willing to pay to gawk at, and spank their monkeys to, images of her bare ass and boobs bouncing around. We live in a world I am not equipped to understand and maybe that is for the best. Regardless of what I think, this girl is almost certainly going to end up wealthy, and really, isn't that all that matters?
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