Saturday, April 26, 2008

People love their porn

It is one thing to be obsolete within the context of your immediate surroundings, it is quite another to be ignorant of your own obsolescence. When you have ideals and ideas that have no real place in your surroundings, you are obsolete. So it is I find myself often beside myself as I meander around within this cheap and easy existence. In a give-it-to-me-now world, there is no place for careful deliberation of one's actions or the consequences, not only to self, but to others. The only thing that matters is the self. But what happens when instant gratification gives way to the realization that the self is illusory and transient? I don't know, and probably will not live long enough to see the pendulum swing back toward existentialism.

I do know that people love their porn. Having first been exposed to the stuff when I was very young, pornography and I have a mixed history. As a species, the gratuitous viewing of various sex acts goes back thousands of years. What we call pornography today was once the subject of murals hung in the main rooms of Pompeii homes. People and explicit depictions of sex go back eons, but most of what's on offer today is muc the same in its subject matter as it was then. It seems that in nearly all human endeavors, the only thing that really changes is the technology available for presentation and the exchange of money.

Why am I writing about porn? Because I came across a very interesting documentary on the subject on The entire documentary spans 5 hours and is broken up into 6 parts. Even I, with all my obsolete and naive beliefs about sex, found the film interesting, if not outright compelling, viewing. Whether you believe sex is a throwaway act akin to shaking hands or that it is the most significant, physical action two people can engage in, chances are good there will be plenty worth watching with this one. The link to Episode 1 is below...enjoy. :)

Episode One


Posted by Erik @ 4/26/2008 09:00:00 AM