Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Nick Bollea, innocent victim of God's will

So Nick Bollea/Hogan was caught on tape essentially blaming John Graziano for the vegetative state his former friend now finds himself in after being involved in Bollea's now infamous car accident last year. If you haven't heard, CNN has some excerpts in a feature you can view here. Apparently, the Hulkster believes Graziano had it coming and that his injury was due to some mysterious wrong against God. John Graziano deserves to be a vegetable for life because he was "aggressive", "he yelled at people", and "he was a negative person". Of course, Nick is the real victim here, as he is wasting away in jail for 8 whole months, while he could be out making a reality TV show or building a Supra to replace the one he ruined. How inconvenient for him, particularly since he is innocent of any wrongdoing.

At what point do people show themselves to be such disgusting and irredeemable examples of humanity that the world turns their back on them? I cannot understand what kind of man would teach his son that it is acceptable to blame a friend for his supposed hardships, when said friend is essentially barely functional because of the son's actions. I understand that this is America in the 21st century and that the idea of honor is utterly absurd today, but how could people be so blatantly disingenuous and still consider themselves viable human beings? The bigger question is, how many of the Hulk's fans will be willing to forgive the aging actor after such a display. Once the teary-eyed apologies start and the feigned contrition kicks into high gear, who knows.

So a man who pretends to be a warrior raises a son who pretends to be a decent human being in a family that pretends to have some value to society. Sounds like magic to me! Florida is really shining brightly lately. Between the douchebag celebrities with no sense of accountability and the morally loose teachers dropping their panties for teenaged boys and girls, this place seems more paradise all the time!


Posted by Erik @ 5/28/2008 01:54:00 PM