Saturday, September 06, 2008

The war in Iraq is God's war

What would Jesus do? He'd blow away some fucking Muslims, that's what he'd do!!

My bet is that Sarah Palin has a lot of trouble separating Church and State. My bet is that she is the type of person who believes that all people everywhere should believe in her God, or be taught to believe in her God. I could be wrong, but stuff like the above, and her fundamentalist Conservative sound make me think it would be a safe bet. It's all God's Will, apparently...building gas lines, sending American soldiers off to fight and die - God's Will, not the will of humans who lust for power, but God's Will. Who would have guessed God was so into violence and money? Jesus was huge on killing and dying in the name of power. Brilliant! :)

And more proof that The Daily Show is more informative than everything on FOX News:


Posted by Erik @ 9/06/2008 01:01:00 AM